2025-02-02 17:49:27

BIC's excellence shines through Psychology at Kings College London

The horizons for psychology as an academic discipline in Pakistan have yet to be advanced beyond a certain level, but for aspirants and students wishing to partake a degree in Psychology from Pakistan now have an option that puts them on the track for academic and research excellence in the ever-evolving field of psychology: Beaconhouse International College provides BSc Psychology programme sanctioned by the prestigious and highly-selective King's College London as envisioned by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN). This programme will allow for newer avenues of academic and research advancements to be made within Pakistan, and it is all at helm of Beaconhouse International College.

King's College London is the world renowned seat of education located in London that prides itself on being one of the most highly-reputed universities in the world. It has been ranked as number 7 in the world as per the Research Excellence Framework and was ranked the 35th best university in the world, according to the Times Higher Education World Rankings of 2020. The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) is another one of the modern greats in this discipline, having been established in 1896 and pioneering the advancements in the academic, research and training facets of both psychology and psychiatry.

With Beaconhouse deriving its excellence in academic fidelity from its long-stretching history, and combining the research and academic efficacy of both KCL and IoPPN, the BSc Psychology programme is designed to give students the best opportunity to pursue their academic interests from institutions that will further accentuate and complement their future endeavours in the research-intensive field of psychology.

What constitutes the BSc Psychology programme at BIC?

Lets take a deep dive. BSc Psychology @ BIC: the particulars

In their three years of on-campus learning at BIC, students will have to go through a number of modules each year that will both hone and polish their academic and research facilities, aimed at the subject content (developed by the IoPPN) of psychology. Here is a quick breakdown of the programme structure.

  • Year 1: Eight 15-credit compulsory modules for Level 4.
  • Year 2: Eight 15-credit compulsory modules for Level 5.
  • Year 3: Six 15-credit compulsory modules for Level 6.

As for their final part of the degree programme, a singular research project worth 30 credits will be necessitated, as per the academic groundwork required by KCL. This research project will be aimed at breakthrough fields and concepts within psychology or psychiatry, and should be accompanied with supporting evidence and paperwork for the thesis.

Coursework for Psychology programmes by the KCL

Kings College London, being one of the most premier varsities in the world, has designed the curriculum in a manner that will allow students to fast-track their understanding of both the academic and research applications of psychology. The coursework will gradually bring students to advanced concepts, and will conclude with a test of their understanding with the research project.

The coursework is nothing short of impressive. Here is a quick rundown.

  • Year 1
  • Year 1, being the introductory year, will help students learn some of the basics surrounding the academic applications of psychology. Starting with Research, Design and Statistics, students will further learn about the Application of Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Biological Psychology, and Social Psychology. Rounding off the multi-faceted approach of the IoPPN-developed coursework, students will then familiarize themselves with Learning, Personality and Intelligence, and finish off the year with Qualitative Research Skills.

  • Year 2
  • In their second year, students will further hone their research skills, with courses including Research (Literature) Skills, Research Design and Statistics (variance analysis) and Research Design and Statistics (multi-variance measures). The core tenets of psychology will also continue; courses including Cognitive Psychology, Philosophy of Psychology and Clinical Psychology will keep students immersed in the highly articulate field. In the practical side of the coursework, two courses will keep students in touch with the practical aspect: Understanding Individual Differences and Health, Addiction and Well-being.

  • Year 3
  • For the third and final year of the coursework, the coursework will diversify into different topics: Current Issues in Neuroscience, Gender and Mental Health, Mental Health around the World, Forensic Psychology and Occupational Psychology. This family of courses will provide students with a global overview of the psychological realm, all the while introducing them to commercial and professional aspects of psychology, where further specialization can be achieved. To top it all off, the Research Project will be divided in two phases: Foundation and Consolidation, which is an essential test of their adherence to the basics of psychology.

Why choose BIC as your premier seat of learning for Psychology?

Pakistan, despite its pool of highly talented and studious individuals, unfortunately lacks the education standard that befits a fast-growing and progressing nation. However, not all educational institutes are made the same, and Beaconhouse International College is the proof of that. With international accreditations and degree programmes across a wide range of academic disciplines, BIC is your destination for the premium higher education experience, as we offer a multitude of degrees and accreditations from some of the most prestigious institutions in the world. With Beaconhouse International College, a world of opportunity awaits you.